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    [pagetitle] => upCast RT 7.6.5 extends built-in evaluation license
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    [introtext] => [[$app]] version 7.6.5 is now available for download. This release extends the built-in evaluation license.
The update is free for all registered users of [[$app]] 7.x.
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    [pagetitle] => upCast RT 7.6.4 restores Java 5 compatibility
    [longtitle] => upCast RT 7.6.4 restores Java 5 compatibility
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    [introtext] => [[$app]] version 7.6.4 is now available for download. This release contains only one important bugfix which restores compatibility with the Java 5 runtime environment.
The update is free for all registered users of [[$app]] 7.x.
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    [introtext] => [[$app]] version 7.6.0 is now available for download. This is a significant bugfix update with several new features, especially in the area of logging and UPL functions.

The update is free for all registered users of [[$app]] 7.x.
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    [introtext] => [[$app]] version 7.5.1 is now available for download. It fixes some bugs in the RTF Exporter and the catalog handling. This update is free and recommended for all users with an upCast 7.x license.
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The update is free for all registered users of [[$app]] 7.x.
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